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Benefits of Clear Braces

February 25, 2020

How Clear Braces Can Improve Your Smile

Do you want to improve the look of your teeth and smile without having to wear metal braces for years? Once you reach a certain age, metal braces may seem like a nightmare. However, cosmetic dental procedures aren't your only option. Clear braces may be a great option for you! Clear braces allow you to improve the look of your smile without having to undergo any surgical procedures. Clear braces can straighten your teeth and close gaps with no wires! Here are 5 benefits of choosing clear braces. 

1. Easy to Take Care of 
Being able to easily put on and take off your clear braces allows you to easily clean them. You can simply brush your clear brushes with a toothbrush and toothpaste as you would your teeth. Metal braces are more difficult to clean, as you cannot take them off your teeth and food can often get stuck in them. 

2. Invisible 
One of the main reasons people choose clear braces is because you can't see them! You can comfortably wear your clear braces throughout the day without anyone noticing. You won't have to feel self-conscious about the wires and brackets that come with metal braces. 

3. Eat What You Want 
With metal braces, there are many restrictions on foods you are able to eat. With metal braces, you should avoid too many sweets, hard foods/candy, apples, popcorn, and more. You also can't chew gum with metal braces. With clear braces, you can simply take them off, enjoy the foods you want, brush your teeth, and put them back on. 

4. Comfort & Affordability
Clear braces are trays that are custom-designed to fit your mouth. The best part about clear braces is that when they start to get uncomfortable, they can easily be removed to give your mouth a break. Clear braces are also typically a more affordable option in comparison to metal graces. 

5. Improved Confidence 
With clear braces, you will steadily start to see the look of your teeth and smile start to improve. Clear braces can give you confidence and allow you to show off your smile that you may have been trying to hide before. 

Are you ready to love your teeth and smile? Count on Calian Dental for affordable clear braces to give you the smile of your dreams. We care for patients throughout White Plains, Port Chester, Elmsford, and Hartsdale, NY, and the surrounding areas. Contact us to see if clear braces may be a good fit for you. 
Dental Implants Port Chester & White Plains, NY
January 27, 2020
Bleeding & Gauze The first hour after surgery, make sure the gauze packs stay in place by gently biting down on them. The packs may be removed after one hour and should be replaced if bleeding persists. While changing the gauze, do not disturb the surgical area. Bleeding will occur after surgery and it is not uncommon to see blood for 24-28 hours after surgery. Do not rinse vigorously or probe the area. Smoking can increase the chance of dry sockets so it is strongly discouraged. Swelling & Cleanliness Since there is technically an open wound in your mouth, cleanliness is essential. Very gently brush your teeth the night after surgery, taking care around the surgical site. If there is minimal bleeding, saltwater rinses can begin 24 hours after surgery. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 8 ounces of water and swish gently, allowing the water to fall into the sink (versus spitting it out). It is recommended to rinse 2-3 times a day, especially after eating. Swelling is common and usually hits peak 2-3 days after surgery. Icing the cheek adjacent to the surgical area can be a source of pain relief. Limited Activity Strenuous activity can result in increasing bleeding and discomfort, so its recommended to take it easy the day of surgery. Couch or bed rest is advised. Do not use a straw when consuming any food or beverage, as it can create dry sockets. Exercise should be avoided for 3-4 days after surgery to avoid excess bleeding. Nourish Yourself Well It is not required, but recommended to eat soft food after surgery. Extremely hot foods or anything with small seeds should be avoided. Over a few days, gradually introducing more solid foods will help to keep you nourished and can assist in healing. Gradual, Steady Improvement After dental implant surgery, the first two days are general the most uncomfortable. Your mouth may still be swollen on the third day, but most patients are more comfortable and can begin to eat a more substantial diet. During the remainder of the healing process, your teeth should gradually feel better. If pain persists or you do not see improvement, visit your dental professionals right away to avoid potential issue!
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